24 Hour Care
Ashfield House (105 Ashley Road) was established to provide a home on a long-term basis for its Service Users, all of whom have learning disabilities. The emphasis of the home is to create a secure home environment to help our Service Users to achieve as much fulfilment from life as possible and to become valued members of the community.
105 Ashley Road (known as Ashfield House) is situated in New Milton, a small town on the coast of Hampshire. The nearest major town is Bournemouth and Southampton is some twenty miles to the East.
Home: The home was built in the early 1900s, but has been extended to provide modern and comfortable accommodation, which includes double-glazing and gas-fired central heating. The home is registered with Hampshire Social Services and provides accommodation for a total of 9 adults with a learning disability and up to 3 adults with physical needs.
Lounge: There is a large lounge at the front of the house with TV and HIFI facilities
Kitchen: There is a large fully fitted commercial kitchen complete with the usual range of equipment.
Service Users Kitchen: There is a small kitchen for Service users’ use. Service Users may use this area to prepare drinks, light snacks, or meals.
Dining Room: The home has a large dining room, which can seat up to 14 people
Office(s): There is a Staff office situated off the entrance hall. There is a further office on the ground floor for the Registered Manager and 2 further offices on the second floor for administration, accounts and the Area Manager and meetings. Service Users may use any of the Office Areas, on request, to speak privately with relatives and / or staff.
Activity Room: At the rear of the house is a large room, which can be used for activities and / or leisure pursuits etc.
Bedrooms: There are nine single bedrooms three of which are on the ground floor and six on the 1st floor. All bedrooms have allocated bathrooms All baths have an integral shower facility, two of the ground floor rooms have ensuite wet rooms. All rooms have a TV Point and sufficient electrical outlets with WIFI access
Laundry: The home has a well-equipped laundry facility and employs domestic staff who look after this area. However, Service Users may also use these facilities after assessment and, if required, suitable training.
External: To the front of the house is a large car park accommodating 8 cars. The rear has a lawn with mature trees and shrubs. There is also a large patio area and a separate barbeque area.
Care Staff: The home is operated by Ashfield Care Homes Limited. The manager of the home is registered with the Commission for Social Care and has a Deputy manager, Team Leaders, Support Workers, Housekeeper and Catering assistant to assist her.
Catering: The home employs a cook who provides nutritious and appetising meals. Meals are provided at a time convenient for Service Users, but meals can be requested outside of these times. Preferences for meals and special diets are arranged according to the Service user’s wishes. Feedback and comments are monitored and recorded by the care staff.
Transport: Wherever possible or appropriate, Service Users are encouraged to use public transport. The home is on a bus route (Lymington to Bournemouth) and is situated ½ mile from the nearest mainline rail station. However, for some activities, public transport is not always possible and the home has 2 vehicles
Visitors: The home accepts visitors to the home at all reasonable times and provided this accords with the wishes of the Service User. Service Users may entertain their guests in any of the communal areas or speak privately with them in any of the offices, activity room or their bedroom.
Makaton: The home has adopted Makaton as the method of language signing with Service Users who have difficulty with communication. Trained staff provides instruction to the Service Users and staff who are encouraged to use Makaton as much as possible.
Hairdressing: Service Users are assisted to find and use the hairdresser of their choice within the community.
Training and Occupation: The company operates a structured programme of Day Care activities including access to community facilities.
Health Care: Each Service User is helped to register with a local GP, Dentist, Optician, and Chiropodist etc. The local health centre has a range of clinics, which Service Users can take advantage of and one of the doctors is a specialist in the field of learning disabilities. We have good links with the West Hampshire Specialist Health Team and through them, Service Users can access specialist healthcare such as psychiatry, psychology, speech and language and specialist community nursing.
Cultural, Leisure and Religion: We respect Service users’ different cultural backgrounds and needs. Service Users are supported to access the community in such things as leisure facilities, adult education, library, and shopping. The local area has facilities for most religions and Service Users are supported to use the religious centre of their choice.
Contract of Care: Each Service User is provided with a Contract of Care on arrival.
Complaints: The home operates a complaints procedure for Service Users, relatives and staff and publishes both this procedure and the Local Authority Complaints Procedure in the home brochure.
We AIM to create a comfortable, safe yet stimulating and highly structured home background in order that our Service Users can acquire a more equable approach to life and develop their skills in self-care and social interaction.
This aim is achieved by the following OBJECTIVES,
1 Providing each service user with a comfortable living environment.
2 Ensuring that the home is clean, well maintained and responsive to health and safety concerns and legislation.
3 Empowering Service Users to make active, informed choices in all aspects of their life.
4 Supplying our Service Users with the basic needs of life – nutritious and appetizing food, personal living space that is adequate and enables them to have privacy when desired, emotional support etc.
5 Establishing an effective day-care curriculum.
6 Enabling the residents to enjoy a variety of activities in their leisure time.
7 Supporting and assisting each individual in maintaining relationships with family and friends.
8 Giving instruction and support in the development and maintenance of skills, will allow them to be as independent as possible and thereby, establish a dignified existence.
9 Initiating a behavioural programme for each Service User, as required, which will help them to adapt and mix with others as equals within society.
10 Ensuring that the rights of each individual resident are respected and that the core values of the home are adhered to.
11 The provision of effective and consistent Service User Plans